Monday, March 17, 2008

New Lifevest and Pool Fun 7/21/2007

Zoey in her new Lifevest. Isn't it cute? She doesn't look happy to be all wet.

Kacie had to hold the boat because Zoey almost fell out trying to drink the water.

Zoey would swim to Daddy and then climb to "higher ground" to avoid the water.

Her "swimming" caused a lot of splashing water, but she didn't mind it too much.

She would only calm down in the water when I would hold her like this in the water.

Besides, Kacie had stole her boat!

All in all, a fun summer activity, but we'll see how well Zoey's likes it next summer!

Zoey's New Boat for the Pool 7/18/2007

Grandma got a pool for her birthday as a surprise when she got home from the annual backpack trip in the Uintas. Zoey didn't have a lifevest yet, so we bought her a little boat to ride around in. I'm not sure she was very thrilled to be in the pool.

We pushed her around the pool a bit, but she kept wanting to drink the water. Grandma took the pictures since Bill and I were in the pool.