Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Jersey and Zoey

Jersey and Zoey
Originally uploaded by PatientVengeance
Here is a cute picture that my sister in law took of Zoey and her friend Jersey. Jersey is the 100 lb one in the back, as if you couldn't tell!

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Playing Around 9-29-08

This was a fun day hanging out at my in-laws house. Zoey was playing tug of war with my niece while Molly (this white fluffy dog ) was just watching from the swing. Molly doesn't like to play with Zoey as she plays a little too rough for her taste! Zoey usually plays with the near 100-pound boxer, so I can't blame Molly for not wanting to play!

My niece was also helping Zoey eat out of her bowl of food. She thought it was fun to hold the bowl for her and to feed her some from her hand. It was so cute!

All in all, it was a fun day with beautiful weather so why be couped up in the house?! We are starting into Zoey's favorite season, Fall. She just loves to play with the leaves.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Back from Our Vacation, Poor Zoey 9-28-2008

The day we got back from our vacation (for that story see my personal blog), Zoey was very excited to see us, but then she was a little mad at me for awhile, like she remembered that I had left her home for four days. Lastly, she wouldn't leave me side. Grandma took these pictures of Zoey while I was sitting to the right on the couch. She thought she wanted to play, but then she fell asleep on the back of the couch on her bunny.

She moved to the floor after a VERY short play session with Grandma and crashed again...

...until she noticed the flash.

I had to add this one for the cute head tilt... all pugs seem to do this when you talk directly to them.

Packing for Sea World 9-24-2008

Zoey was watching me very intently as I was packing clothes on the bed. I think she figured something odd was going on. She was so hopeful that she was going with us as we walked out the door... it just broke my heart to have to leave her home for a week.

Zoey, Sleeping in front of the TV 8-27-2008

Zoey fell asleep watching TV... I guess there weren't enough animals in the show grandma was watching!

Here, she opened her eyes for a second... probably realized someone was taking her picture!

I think she looks annoyed at Grandma waking her from her nap with the camera....

Sleepy Puppy 7-3-2008

Zoey was sleeping in her toy box while Bill and I were playing computer games. She even fell asleep in the middle of chewing on her toy!

Then she gave up and took over the bed....

...poor little puppy!

Monday, September 22, 2008

Zoey's Newest Cousin

This is Molly, the newest member of the Tarbox family. Well, she is technically Zoey's Aunt, but all of Bill's parents' dogs we call the Cousins. This is Bill's mom's newest lap dog. She is a rescue dog and is about three years old. She and Zoey don't get along too well as Zoey is too curious and Molly doesn't like much of anything. They will occasionally play, but I don't think Zoey knows how to play with a smaller dog after so much time playing with her other cousin, the 100-ish pound boxer, Jersey!

Misc Photos of Zoey from Grandma

My mom likes to send me pathetic photos of Zoey whenever we leave her home and go somewhere. I'm not sure if this is to make me feel bad for leaving her home, or to bring Zoey to me when I'm gone. Here are some of her photos:

Zoey waiting and staring out the window. Looking for me one day when I didn't come home on time from work. She seems to know just about when I should be pulling in.

This one is Zoey looking for someone to play with. Notice the pile of toys? We think she does this when you don't want to play with the first toy like she needs to find the right toy that you want to play with.

Here is Zoey with her empty Pupperoni bag. She will steal her bag of treats from wherever someone left it and bring it to you until you give her one. This was her looking all pathetic because she was out of treats and was carrying the empty bag around to no avail.

Lastly, this is a picture that Kacie sent to me from the Warped Tour. She and her friend said this poster reminded them of Zoey... I don't see any resemblance!

Friday, May 9, 2008

Zoey's Bath 3-17-07

I forgot to add these earlier, but thought they would be cute to share. This is a new shark toy that my niece Phebe "bought" for Zoey. We decided to see if Zoey liked bath toys.

Monday, March 17, 2008

New Lifevest and Pool Fun 7/21/2007

Zoey in her new Lifevest. Isn't it cute? She doesn't look happy to be all wet.

Kacie had to hold the boat because Zoey almost fell out trying to drink the water.

Zoey would swim to Daddy and then climb to "higher ground" to avoid the water.

Her "swimming" caused a lot of splashing water, but she didn't mind it too much.

She would only calm down in the water when I would hold her like this in the water.

Besides, Kacie had stole her boat!

All in all, a fun summer activity, but we'll see how well Zoey's likes it next summer!

Zoey's New Boat for the Pool 7/18/2007

Grandma got a pool for her birthday as a surprise when she got home from the annual backpack trip in the Uintas. Zoey didn't have a lifevest yet, so we bought her a little boat to ride around in. I'm not sure she was very thrilled to be in the pool.

We pushed her around the pool a bit, but she kept wanting to drink the water. Grandma took the pictures since Bill and I were in the pool.