This is when daddy turns Zoey into a turtle. She has a hard time rolling over sometimes, especially after he got her stuck in the crack in the couch cushions. Although now, Zoey thinks this is a more productive playing position as she gets to use all four paws against daddy's one!

This is Zoey and here Pooh slippers. They were a gift from Bill's mom to me for Christmas, but everytime I would wear them, Zoey would attack them. Eventually the noses were gone and they are now her toys. I already had to throw one out, and the other is not far behind it.

Daddy doesn't like his picture taken, and was trying to hide behind little Zoey. Apparently Zoey took the clue and tried to hide herself too!

Zoey in concentrating on the game. Bill would bounce his foot every so often and she would try to attack his shoelaces. She always makes this weird growling noise when she is attacking shoes, but it is only for shoes.

Daddy's Girl

This is Zoey just being mommy's little baby. To me, this is her impression of a baby sucking on her thumb.

Under this blanket is yet another heat vent. I guess when I left the blanket there I should have realized "someone" in the house would claim it as her newest napping spot.
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