This is the first picture we have of Zoey. She is eight weeks old here and checking out here new home. Zoey was a Christmas gift from Grandma. Her first day as a Tarbox was spent at a family Christmas party where she got to meet all her Second cousins and Great Grandma kept caller her "Doughy". (She's having a hard time hearing lately.) She is the first grandchild/pug and is loved by everyone.

This is Zoey snuggling with daddy. She soon learns that daddy is the only one with a wide enough shoulder to curl up on, therefore being her favorite spot to sleep.

This was the first place she curled up to sleep after the long car ride home from the breeders' home. Of course, she had already slept on mommy's lap in the car the whole time!

Zoey's first meal at home. I love this picture, because it shows her unique coloring, which I later found out is called "smutty" since she is not pure fawn and has black hairs throughout her back.
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